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jérôme munyangi tué

This Covid-Organics herbal drink, has been tested and proved to be working. Therefore on Dr Munyangi’s last release, he opted to study towards his master’s degree in France.What happens when a man makes love to a pregnant woman? Dr. Jerôme Munyangi: “Avec la plante Artémisia nous éliminerons entièrement le paludisme de l´Afrique.” Âgé de 35 ans et originaire de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), Jérôme Munyangi est médecin-chercheur avec pour spécialité le traitement du paludisme. Grâce à ses recherches, qui ont mis en évidence le rôle très positif de la plante de… Le retour raté de Jésus Christ: Jésus s'adresse à ses disciples et à la foule de son époque - … The results he obtained prove that Artemisia, as an infusion, has a better cure rate compared to ACTs (Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy) which are drugs manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry. On the contrary, there was a combined cure rate of 99.5% for those who took the Artemisia tea infusions and only 5% side effects.Established institutions, which have become the clergy of medical prescriptions, are religiously fighting these results despite the fact that those who conducted the study just know medicine as well as the clergymen of the pharmaceutical industry, among others. ENTRETIEN AVEC JEROME MUNYANGI - Duration: 13:33. Il est considéré comme l’un des inventeurs du remède contre le Covid-19 malgache. The good news is that all other studies do prove that Artemisia is better than the drugs manufactured by “Big Pharma”.African scientists are not less competent than other scientists in the world. Le docteur Jérôme Munyangi est diplômé en Médecine à l’Université de Kinshasa, il a obtenu un Master à l’Université Paris Diderot et un autre à l’Université d’Otawa. This herbal drink was approved by the Malagasy government as the cure and prevention treatment for coronavirus.Madagascar President Andry Nirina Rajoelina revealed that the Congolese doctor, Dr. Jerome Munyagi is working in partnership with the Malagasy Institute of Applied Research.Speaking to the press at the launch of Covid-Organics at the Malagasy Institute of Applied Research, which developed the tonic. Alors qu’à Kinshasa, il y a de cela quelques semaines l’on parlait du « Mana-Covid » un produit à même de venir à bout du Covid-19, aujourd’hui les regards sont toujours vers Dr Jérôme Munyangi.

Jerome Munyangi Wa Nkola, from Congo-Kinshasa (DRC), has developed a tea infusion out of Artemisia that cures uncomplicated malaria cases. Congolese President, Felix Tshisekedi, has instructed his Ambassador in France to immediately deliver a Congolese passport to Dr. Jérôme Munyangi in Madagascar and facilitate his travel to the capital Kinshasa.. Dr. Jérôme Munyangi is the man behind the drafting of a protocol which led to the manufacture of Covid-organics, miracle remedy of the Malagasy government for the prevention … Ses vidéos se partagent sur les réseaux sociaux. One subset took Artemisia annua the other one Artemisia afra.The clinical results showed that 79.5% of patients who took ASAQ were cured, but all parasites (plasmodium falciparum) were not killed. Also, about 43% of the patients experienced adverse side effects. This herbal drink was approved by the Malagasy government as the cure and prevention treatment for coronavirus. Le chercheur congolais Jérôme Munyangi affirme avoir été « persécuté » en RDC pour avoir fait la promotion de l'artemisia comme traitement contre le paludisme. Indeed, Dr Jerome Munyangi is not the first scientist who has worked on Artemisia tea infusions. La cagnotte s’élevait le 18 juin à un peu plus de 14 000 euros. Passionate Blogger and writer ! En 2011, il a été recruté par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) comme chercheur sur les maladies tropicales négligées. The President showed solidarity towards the COVI-19 Cure.‘We appreciate the efforts, the scientific, innovative and work ethic of research lead doctor, Dr Jerome Munyangi for discovering the end of coronavirus. WhatsApp Us +254729000014 Meet Dr Jerome Munyangi The Doctor Behind Madagascar Coronavirus CureMeet Dr Jerome Munyangi The Doctor Behind Madagascar Coronavirus Cure Dr Jerome Munyangi is the man behind the Madagascar Coronavirus cure. © Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved Charles Andrianjara, Imra’s Director General, agreed that Covid-organics should be used for prevention.Most noteworthy, he was more cautious about its use as a cure, but said that clinical observations had shown “a trend towards its effectiveness as a curative remedy.”Dr. Incase you missed any trending news or stories,we are here for you! C’est l’un des meilleurs concours. Based in Madagascar, Dr Jerome Munyangi originally for Congo is the inventor and manufacturer of the Madagascar herbal drink named COVID-ORGANICS. Je suis venu à Paris en 2013 pour commencer mon master en Biologie synthétique. En 2011, il a été recruté par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) comme chercheur sur les maladies tropicales négligées.

After the success of his Malaria Artemisia plant research, he was persecuted, poisoned and imprisoned. Send us any Information or Stories via
13:33. So, what’s the truth?

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