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Dr. Richard Lindzen retired several years ago, and yet his immense contribution to the atmospheric sciences lives on. As described by a reviewer below, Another misleading claim made in the video is that “COOverall, several claims made in the video about climate change are incorrect, not supported by scientific evidence, or misleading to the viewer, as the reviewers detail below.At the 8 second mark, Dr. Lindzen claims that the climate has changed “remarkably little” over the past 30 years without any reference to what “remarkably little” is relative to. To reinforce the point, the UK government hired Lord Nicholas Stern, a British economist, to produce an economic review of the impact of warming. more about the credibility rating A majority of reviewers tagged the article as: Inaccurate, Misleading.

When put in proper context, it is not true that the climate has changed “remarkably little” over the past 30 years.Over the past 30 years, the global average temperature has warmed by about 0.7 degrees Celsius (red line from 1990 to 2020 in the global temperature dataset below):Now we want to put this 0.7 degrees Celsius warming over 30 years in context of other large climate changes in earth’s history. His research is still cited about 600 times per year. Von 1983 bis zu seiner Emeritierung 2013 war er Professor für Meteorologie in der Abteilung für Erd-, Atmosphären- und Planetenwissenschaft am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). At the 18-second mark, the video shows a graph of what I believe are satellite-derived monthly temperature anomalies. Published in PragerU, by Richard Lindzen on 8 May 2020 Three scientists analysed the article and estimate its overall scientific credibility to be ‘very low’. The full satellite record shows that extending their graph in either direction (forward or backward in time) would reveal a clear warming trend.When these satellite derived temperature products (RSS and UAH in the graph below) are displayed as annual values and plotted on the same axis as the instrumental temperature datasets (Met Office, NASA and NOAA in the graph below), they largely agree with each other. A causal role for CO2 “cannot be claimed” for the glacial-to-interglacial warming events because CO2 variations follow rather than lead the temperature changes in paleoclimate records and the 100 ppm total increase over thousands of years produce “about 1 W/m²” of total radiative impact.3. His research is still cited about 600 times per year. Richard Lindzen is an American atmospheric physicist and Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Some of the largest and fastest global climate changes in the geological record are associated with the Milankovitch cycles. That changed during the years 1988-1994, when climate research centered on CO2 and global warming received a 15-fold increase in funding in the US alone. His research is still cited about Lindzen recently published another scientific paper (1. July Summary Part IV; Changing Ocean Chemistry and Sea Levels: Three weeks ago TWTW reviewed Richard Lindzen’s new paper summarizing what we know with reasonable certainty, what we suspect, and what we know is incorrect about climate change, the greenhouse effect, temperature trends, climate modeling, ocean chemistry, and sea level rise.

Suddenly there was a great financial incentive to propel alarming global warming scenarios.4. This doubled-CO2 effect has less than 1/5th of the impact that the net cloud effect has.

As MIT professor emeritus of atmospheric meteorology Richard Lindzen said, they reached a consensus before the research even began. Richard Siegmund Lindzen (* 8. The consensus “proved” the hypothesis was correct, regardless of the evidence. Dr. Richard Lindzen retired several years ago, and yet his immense contribution to the atmospheric sciences lives on. The most recent Milankovitch cycle transition was that from the last glacial maximum about 20,000 years ago (when about a mile of ice was on top of Boston) to the Holocene climate starting about 10,000 years ago and this transition was characterized by a global warming of about 5 degrees Celsius.Now we can put the global warming of the past 30 years in context. Doubling the atmospheric CO2 concentration from 280 ppm to 560 ppm results in just a 1-2% perturbation to the Earth’s 240 W/m² energy budget. 0.7 degrees Celsius over 30 years is 0.023 degrees Celsius per year. ‘Warming of any significance ceased about 20 years ago, and 2C warming was looking increasingly unlikely.’ Professor Richard Lindzen slammed conventional thinking on global warming as ‘nonsense’ […] From 1983 until his retirement in 2013, he was Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Climate Misinformation by Source: Richard Lindzen. Scientists were instead sufficiently skeptical about claims of climatically-induced planetary doom. So the warming of the past 30 years has been about 5 times (0.023/0.005 = 4.6) faster than the warming that occurred over the transition from the last glacial maximum to the preindustrial climate.I have made an animation placing contemporary global warming in the context of previous climate changes:Contemporary Global Warming placed in geological context. In particular, they all show the same large (in a geological context) rate of warming over the past several decades:Overall, Dr. Lindzen makes both a verbal claim and a visual claim that the rate of contemporary global warming is small, and both claims are false.We depend on your support to operate. Zuvor war er an der University of Chicago (1967–1972) und an der Harvard University (1972–1983) tätig. Richard Siegmund Lindzen (born February 8, 1940) is an American atmospheric physicist known for his work in the dynamics of the middle atmosphere, atmospheric tides, and ozone photochemistry.He has published more than 200 scientific papers and books.

Help us create a more trustworthy Internet! Lindzen recently published another scientific paper (Lindzen, 2020) in The European Physical …

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